Updated 2/7/08

Step 1
How to download and run the current simulation
a) svn co https://elysia.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/elysia/grueworld/
b) cd grueworld
c) in windows build grueworld.sln solution
    in linux (or cygwin or mac) type    sh buildlin
d) cd brain
e) in windows run sh andrewbuild.sh if you want native GL support
    in linux run sh cygbuild.sh
    in mac run sh buildmac.sh
New Method
If you want to see some snarks in the Live simulation we are running at this moment here's what to do...
f) cd brain
g) Snarks:
  ./a.out ipatch.stanford.edu 7880 .0 1
  ./a.out ipatch.stanford.edu 7881 .0 1
These ports are the high priority ports that will let you get in "first" without waiting in line and experience the next newly born snark
hit shift-V to save out learned connections, so that when you play with the temporary brains, even connections affected by learning chemicals will remain, so that you can understand it better

Our simulation is currently running a large world with thousands of connected creatures
You can check the current population by visiting
or going to the graph at http://ipatch.stanford.edu/popgraphs/population.pdf
Some sample brains from each generation are located here:

Old Method
(Still works nicely for inspecting specific generations)
This method also works if you have trouble connection to our simulation or we have shut it down

f) run the text based world as follows
    ./sim <time per frame> <num grues> <num snarks> <world layout> -rad<radiation_level>
    for instance to run on the included 16x16 world try this
    ./sim .25 50 100 16x16.ppm -rad.0625

Step 2
once the world is loaded you need to connect some creatures into it.
a) to connect a single snark do:
cd brain
./a.out localhost 7876 .0 1
b) to connect a single grue do:
cd brain
./a.out localhost 7877 .0 1
c) to connect 128 snarks do:
./a.out localhost 7876 .0 128 -nw
the -nw command tells it to run them in the background and not display the brains in windows
d) to connect 128 grues do:
./a.out localhost 7877 .0 128 -nw

now you are viewing 1 grue among 50 and 1 snark among 50...
if you turned on radiation when running the server, the brains may be miswired since they are mutated.
Step 3
Downloading brains from the running world
the name starts with a number that is their generation# a-c are fathers d-f are mothers and the rest are random brains that may or may not be capable of reproduction (due to the level of radation we give them in our sim, running on 15 machines)

if you want to try out one of these brains that is automatically copied over, go ahead and download the brain...then in your running openGL window showing the brain just hit 'p' to bring up the load screen
type in the path where you downloaded it (probably download to the same dir it's running in) and hit enter to go ahead and view it.

hit shift-V to save out learned connections, so that when you play with the temporary brains, even connections affected by learning chemicals will remain, so that you can understand it better
If you want to run a ton of creatures with this new brain you can overwrite the grueworld/snark or grueworld/grue brains that come with the set by default in svn. then you can restart all your simulations (you may want to turn down radiation to zero in your simulation so it doesn't mutate once again when you're bringing in your specimen)

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